"Towards the moon and into the light...there lies your greatest desires.."
The drawing and quote above are by Jiezl from the Artist's Corner Page. According to her latest post tonight, she is planning on writing her first novel this summer. She already has a title: "Departed: History of the Black Rose." Check out her blog for a more indepth description. WOW!
I noticed months ago that many of the M&M Online Magazine weblogs had many common interests. For example, I'm pretty sure Jiezl would appreciate the cool anime sites listed this week by Lindsey on Entertainment News. Lindsey covers many topics in her very hip blog. Check out the site she links to in her post today, PummelDex, a Dutch anime site. Lindsey would probably be interested in some of the links Jiezl has posted, like Animenation.
Roni R. is also doing some great drawings with her own anime flavor. (Like the Fan Girl drawing shown here. ) By the way, be sure to check out Roni's Online Art Gallery. And while you're at it, take a look at Kelvin's Online Art Gallery.
Back to Entertainment News. Lindsey mentions some movies she likes and they are ALL ones that have been reviewed by Christian Z. on the Movies Page: Napolean Dynamite, Robot: The Movie, Star Wars III. Next year, we need to create a better M&M Online Magazine Homepage that divides the pages into more specific groupings. All these writers with similar interests should be talking, sharing their ideas and knowledge.
Please check out all the pages in this new issue and spread the word. The M&M Online Magazine needs readers, and we are always looking for new writers. I'm going to end this post with a quote from Brooke J. She has some very thoughtful comments on her blog about life and middle school.
"Do me, yourself, and the rest of the world a favor and don't judge anybody 'cause they could be really nice people and you don't know because you keep judging them. So stop right now and keep it real." - Quote from Brooke J., writer for the M&M Online Magazine.